
Why me is a great question. I had asked myself that question many, many times too until I realized it was my destiny to coach sales professionals and entrepreneurs like you.I was working a full time sales job and realized that I wanted more out of my life. After getting into podcast listening, I realized I wanted to start my own podcast that featured people like you and I on the way to turning their dreams into reality so I started Dreamchasers. On Dreamchasers I interviewed many ambitious musicians, athletes, and entrepreneurs who were in the process of turning their dreams into reality. My guests shared insights, strategies, and inspired our listeners to turn their dreams into reality. While building Dreamchasers and getting coaching, I felt more of calling a towards coaching, so I started coaching.

Then DISASTER STRUCK, I was signing coaching clients, growing my podcast, killing my sales job, and I became overwhelmed with everything on my plate. I decided I needed to be more reasonable and focus on my job 100%.  I announced I was closing down Dreamchasers to my whole e-mail list and terminated all of my clients so I could solely focus on my job. I realized after the longest week of my life, I made a BIG mistake and had sabotaged my own success. I restarted my business and continued coaching.  I came back to the same tipping point as my coaching business grew and decided it was time to JUMP into running my business full time, despite my unideal circumstances.

I’m uniquely qualified to work with you because I understand the struggles you are going through intimately. I have closed down my own dream and had to bootstrap my business without any outside funding. I’ve also been apart of 1,500+ closed sales to successful senior executives, business owners, and CEO’s. I know what it takes to start, qualify, and close sales. I also know the GRIND you are going through to grow your income, sales, and business. Most importantly, I have the strategies, resources, and structures to help you create long term success. You can schedule a call with me by clicking here to discuss what you are looking accomplish and we can determine if working together makes sense for us both.